Monday, April 7, 2014

Moments in Life

Moments in Life

I have been thinking a lot lately
about the moments that we have in life.

These past couple weeks 
have been hard for me.
I have been overwhelmed with
trying to work 20 hours a week,
go to school with 14 credits and all it brings,
and being pregnant.

Being pregnant is hard work.

Since I have been having an amazing pregnancy,
I have just assumed I could do everything
I did before I got pregnant.

Well, I'm here to tell you I cannot.

I'm not admitting defeat, 
but I admit I cannot do it all.
It's something that is really hard to come to terms with
for me.

want to have time to just sit around 
and watch movies while I feel our little girl kick.
want to have time to research brands
of car seats and strollers that are safe and reliable.
want to start cleaning and preparing her room.
want to OOO and AWW over cute girl things all day.
want to be graduated from school already.
want to have no stress.

Not only do I want to have more time
to prepare for our little girl,
but I find myself wanting more material things.

Such as:
want to be living in a house already.
want to have more money to buy our girl
the biggest and best things.
want to be able to decorate 
with and how I want to.
want a huge book and movie collection
for her.
want a second car.

All of these things
are WANTS.

I got really low and stressed out,
I had to calm down and take a few moments for me.
As I sat down,
I looked at everything that was around me.
I was sitting in a beautiful apartment
that we are so blessed to have what we do.
I have the most amazing husband
who is more than I could have ever asked for.
I have a a cute little baby bump
with our daughter inside moving around.
I am so blessed to be able to go to school
and have a pile of books staring at me.
I'm studying to become a teacher!
I have a reliable car that works great.
I have all the material things I need,
and I'm even blessed to have some of my wants.

What am I thinking??

This is such a precious time in my life.
Being a student at BYU with my husband.
Being pregnant with our first child.
Being married without kids
where Matt and I actually have time to be together.
Being able to hangout 
with other young married couples
and have a social life.
Yes we do live in an apartment,
but we have the rest of our lives
to live in a home.

This is such a small window of time,
I would hate to waste it by wishing I was 
at a different stage in life.

But don't we all wish for things we don't have?
Such as:
I wish my hair was longer,
or I wish I had a baby,
or I wish my kids were off to college,
or I wish at was better at this or that,
or I wish we lived in a different state,
or I wish my life would slow down.

The list can really go on and on.

It reminded me of the Mormon Messages video
called Moments That Matter Most :)

It really is important for all of us,
not just me,
to appreciate the stage of life we are at RIGHT NOW.
We won't ever get this window in time back.
So don't ruin it by wishing you had more time
or more material things.
Enjoy what you have.

Enjoy your journey :)


  1. I love this post Brittany! Thank you for the reminder to enjoy what we have :) I also sometimes just want to sit and feel my baby move around, think about what we will name her, and think about how I will arrange everything when she comes...but life now is good too! And we ARE doing good by being in school and doing all we can to be wonderful mothers :) You are great!

  2. Good for you turning you thoughts around. It's human for us to want a little more for our comfort. I don't talk about that much because Kelly said it's hard to hear. He wants to give me everything I want, and we can't really do that financially, so it causes him some heartache if he knows I'm wanting something. I have found that I can be perfectly happy with a second hand kitchen table and chairs. We've never had our own in the 27 years we've been married. My carpet is old, and almost everything in our house needs replacing. Heather put things in perspective for me recently when she said, "You can't ever move. Your grandkids are coming here to visit!" Our rundown house is happy and homey to her. She doesn't see the flaws, she feels the love. I have to remember that. Satan is going to want us to focus on what we don't have. I know you know this, I'm just saying it out loud. Two things I recently read were really meaningful. They happened one right after the other, so I figure the timing was probably divine. I read the article in the April 2014 Ensign called, "Lasting Happiness," and then Elder Uchtdorf spoke Sunday morning of conference, "Grateful In Any Circumstances." Super powerful messages on the difference between true happiness and momentary spurts of it. Glad all is going well and that you're enjoying every moment! :)
