Friday, April 18, 2014

28 Weeks: 3rd Trimester!

28 Weeks!

I am officially in my 3rd trimester!
I am starting to freak out a little bit though,
I'll be honest.
It's getting closer and closer to when 
this baby will need to come out.
And that is a nerve wrecking feeling I must say!

But now that school is pretty much done
and I'm only working part time,
I will have time to get ready for this little girl.
We have not bought much for her yet,
but we have cleaned out our
second bedroom to make room for her :)
It gets tricky when you don't have a garage
to store your things,
especially when you have enough random stuff
as Matt and I do. 

I'm excited to start getting furniture
and putting her room together :)
I'm totally in a nesting mood and I'm so excited!
Bring on the projects!

Not only are we preparing for her nursery,
I'm trying to prepare for this thing called 
giving birth.
Since I'm planning on giving birth naturally,
I need to be mentally prepared and not just
"gut my way through".
So starting in May, 
Matt and I are going to be taking a birthing class
called Hypnobabies :)
It sounds funny, but it's a class
that teaches you how to deal with the pain.
I'm really excited to start taking it :)

As I think about it,
I went through a couple stages
of processing this pregnancy.

1. Bliss and joy of finding out
2. Telling family and friends the exciting news
3. Actually realizing I'm pregnant
4. My belly is growing, I must be pregnant!
5. I'm starting to get uncomfortable with this belly
6. I only have 3 months left to get ready!
7. Can we really afford this child?
8. Can I really give birth?!

I'm sure there will be many more stages I'll go through
but it definitely hit me in waves.

So there is not much to really update with this post.
We went to Florida with my family last week,
but I'll be making another post about our trip :)
It was hard to travel while being pregnant.
I got really bad acid while on the airplane
and that was NOT fun!

The acid is starting to come more frequently
as my insides continue to make room for baby.
My belly is growing like crazy now as well!
I can now see her kick and move my stomach.
It's so weird to actually see it!
It's such a miracle and blessing,
but I must say it is very alien to me to see :)

My hips have widened even more
and I've gained more weight.
I have gained 20 pounds so far this pregnancy!
I'm supposed to gain another 10,
so we will see what the grand total comes to be ;)
My feet are also swelling all the time.
It looks like I have marshmallow toes sometimes.

Here is my first baby bump picture
of my 3rd trimester!
She is the size of an eggplant and 14 1/2 inches long :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Moments in Life

Moments in Life

I have been thinking a lot lately
about the moments that we have in life.

These past couple weeks 
have been hard for me.
I have been overwhelmed with
trying to work 20 hours a week,
go to school with 14 credits and all it brings,
and being pregnant.

Being pregnant is hard work.

Since I have been having an amazing pregnancy,
I have just assumed I could do everything
I did before I got pregnant.

Well, I'm here to tell you I cannot.

I'm not admitting defeat, 
but I admit I cannot do it all.
It's something that is really hard to come to terms with
for me.

want to have time to just sit around 
and watch movies while I feel our little girl kick.
want to have time to research brands
of car seats and strollers that are safe and reliable.
want to start cleaning and preparing her room.
want to OOO and AWW over cute girl things all day.
want to be graduated from school already.
want to have no stress.

Not only do I want to have more time
to prepare for our little girl,
but I find myself wanting more material things.

Such as:
want to be living in a house already.
want to have more money to buy our girl
the biggest and best things.
want to be able to decorate 
with and how I want to.
want a huge book and movie collection
for her.
want a second car.

All of these things
are WANTS.

I got really low and stressed out,
I had to calm down and take a few moments for me.
As I sat down,
I looked at everything that was around me.
I was sitting in a beautiful apartment
that we are so blessed to have what we do.
I have the most amazing husband
who is more than I could have ever asked for.
I have a a cute little baby bump
with our daughter inside moving around.
I am so blessed to be able to go to school
and have a pile of books staring at me.
I'm studying to become a teacher!
I have a reliable car that works great.
I have all the material things I need,
and I'm even blessed to have some of my wants.

What am I thinking??

This is such a precious time in my life.
Being a student at BYU with my husband.
Being pregnant with our first child.
Being married without kids
where Matt and I actually have time to be together.
Being able to hangout 
with other young married couples
and have a social life.
Yes we do live in an apartment,
but we have the rest of our lives
to live in a home.

This is such a small window of time,
I would hate to waste it by wishing I was 
at a different stage in life.

But don't we all wish for things we don't have?
Such as:
I wish my hair was longer,
or I wish I had a baby,
or I wish my kids were off to college,
or I wish at was better at this or that,
or I wish we lived in a different state,
or I wish my life would slow down.

The list can really go on and on.

It reminded me of the Mormon Messages video
called Moments That Matter Most :)

It really is important for all of us,
not just me,
to appreciate the stage of life we are at RIGHT NOW.
We won't ever get this window in time back.
So don't ruin it by wishing you had more time
or more material things.
Enjoy what you have.

Enjoy your journey :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

26 Weeks: Hormones!

26 Weeks

I keep getting bigger and bigger! 
Everyone says that you have 
more energy in the second trimester.
I didn't really get why they said that,
because I felt the exact same!
But I also never got why they said the first trimester
is the worst, 
so maybe it's just me.

I did wake up last Saturday with
A TON of energy that came out of nowhere.
I have been dying to get my hands on
some classic children's books and
what better way than to go yard sale hunting for them? :)

So I woke up fairly early
and took my cute husband with me.
The first garage sale we hit was a gold mine!
I found some of my favorites that I grew up with 
and I just got giddy :)
Then Matt went to help some friends move 
but I didn't want to stop.
So I dropped him off and then hit DI.
I found some more awesome books, 
but it was more of a hit and miss
since I had to sort through a ton of books.

So this is what I got from 1 yard sale
and DI for only $14!
(I totally went home and read most of them!)

After I went hunting for books,
I then went to shop for some more maternity clothes
since I keep growing out of the clothes I have :)
It's a good problem to have I must say.

Last week I had the worst nose bleed I have EVER had!
There are people who get frequent nose bleeds, 
but I am not one of them.

I woke up and thought I just had a runny nose,
but then noticed it was blood.
I woke Matt up and had him help me 
since I didn't dare move!
I think it scared him a little to be woken up like that.

I caught most of it,
but went to the sink and it just dripped forever.
It was a pain to clean up,
and they are not a joy to have.

It makes sense because my blood volume is doubling
with the pregnancy.
I just hope I don't get another one that bad!
I also wish I could say I had a normal day after that.
I didn't.
I had to go to school to finish a project
and so I was sitting at a computer
when all of the sudden I felt a little bit of cramping.
IT was immediately followed by a lump in my throat 
and I thought I was going to puke.
I had no idea where a trash can was
or where the nearest bathroom was.
So I just sat there and tried to breath through it.
Then my eyelids started to shake and I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I put my head down on the desk 
and I immediately started to sweat ALL over!
My body got weak and I thought I was going to pass out.
But of course,
I tried to breath through it as red flags were going off in my head
for me to get someone to help me.
I have never sweat that much that fast EVER.
I was freaked out.
But it went away and I sat up panicked. 
I focused to see if I could feel baby girl moving,
and to my relief she was just kicking away :)
But what the heck just happened??

Luckily I had to go into work
and I could ask my Midwives about what happened.
I was pretty shaky the rest of the day
from the adrenaline.
They told me everything was fine 
and after a few tests and blood pressure,
it was probably just a surge of hormones.
Hormones is what did that??
I'm comforted that's all it was,
but the fact that my change in hormones
can have that big of an affect on me...
no thanks. 

Pregnancy is weird!

So other than my raging hormones,
I've been doing good.
Sick and tired of school
and I'm about ready to call it quits.
I just have to hold on a couple more weeks.
I can do this!

I have been teaching a P.E. class
every Thursday morning for a couple weeks.
It is the most fun I have had teaching.
It's nerve wrecking planning a lesson
and then you don't get through half of it 
in the time you need to.
I taught a 1st grade class,
and they are so cute 
and so full of energy!
I just wear them right out, it's so fun :)
I have to record myself teaching the lessons for my class final,
so it's very helpful and comical to watch 
my pregnant self go around the gym with the kids
modeling what they are supposed to do :)

So I'm starting to get into baby mode more 
now that school is coming to an end.
It gets me really excited and nervous at the same time.
We are looking into what birthing classes to take
and then creating my baby shower registry.
Picking a color scheme for our girl
and brainstorming how her nursery will be.
All new and exciting!

Here is my baby bump picture :)
It's a little different since we had to take it with our phones.
My camera broke sadly,
so I can add that to the huge list
of things to buy for when baby girl gets here!

In this picture taken today,
I have officially gained 17 pounds so far
in this pregnancy!
It's such a new and foreign concept for me
considering the fact that I fit in the same clothes 
since the start of high school :)

Mom and baby are doing well,
and I'm passing all of my tests my midwives have me do.
We are extremely blessed :)