Half Way Mark!
I'm officially 20 weeks today
and baby is the size of a banana!
It's weird to think that I'm about halfway
done with my pregnancy.
I say "about" because being a first time mom
I will probably go over my due date
since I'm not being induced.
But who knows!
Maybe I'll be a week before my due date
and then I'm already past the halfway mark!
I'm still feeling great
and mom and baby are doing well.
I'm in the process of getting over a nasty cold.
At first I thought I was just having a hard time sleeping,
but then it just got worse over the next few days.
It started with me not being able to breath at night
which caused me to snore
and wake up with a dry mouth, sore throat,
and slight cough.
It just got worse to the point
where it would wake me up in the night
and I had a hard time falling asleep.
Then I started to loose my voice a little.
Finally it was brought to my attention to use a humidifier.
So I went out and bought this cute little thing
from Target.
It's a cool mist humidifier
which is better than the warm mist ones for children.
So for me it was a no brainer!
So last night using the humidifier,
I slept like a baby!
Why do they use that phrase
"slept like a baby"???
Babies don't usually have a deep sleep
and actually sleep through the entire night.
So why compare it to babies??
Anyways, it was amazing and refreshing
and I slept a TON better and I sound normal again :)
So note to all you mommies or soon to be mommies,
go and buy a cool mist humidifier!
Totally worth it!
Other than trying to beat a cold
and growing a baby at the same time,
life is pretty normal.
Midterms are coming up and I'm totally not prepared!
Especially when I just come home from work
and eat and sleep.
I get nothing done!
But I guess this little girl is pretty important :)
A week or two ago I thought my husband was going to kill me.
My emotions were ALL over the place
and I was a wreck!
I was too scared to have this baby
and my life was too busy
and the apartment was a mess
and I didn't want to take a shower
and I didn't want to do homework
and I needed my mom
and blah blah blah.
I was a mess.
I don't know how he put up with me,
but he did and still continues to.
The mood swings have eased up,
but I make no guarantees of them never coming back.
The most exciting thing of these past couple weeks
has been feeling our baby girl move.
She is moving like crazy!
It's not kicking or punching yet
since she is too small,
but it's feeling her kick off of one side of me
and launching to the other :)
One night it was crazy and she wouldn't stop.
I had Matt put his hand on my stomach to try and feel her move,
but he couldn't for a while.
I told him to feel for more of a bubble feeling
rather than an actual kick.
And then he felt her move :)
It was such a cool experience for the both of us
and once again made it real for us.
Our sweet baby girl was inside there moving around.
Now that I have felt her really move
and not just the flutters,
I feel them more and more now.
I'll just be sitting down and she decides to
jump around.
It's the weirdest most surreal feeling ever.
I love it because it reassure me that she is in there :)
I'm never alone anymore
and it's an awesome feeling!
So here is my 20 week baby bump picture!
But funny story,
while Matt was helping me take the picture,
I had a massive cramp or muscle spasm!
I think he thought it was funny because he just kept taking pictures!
Haha so I thought you would enjoy getting a laugh out of it too :)
And here is the actual baby bump picture :)
I wear these tight shirts for the pictures
so that you can see my belly easier.
I'm not used to this tight of a shirt though,
so when I look at the picture
it totally catches me off guard to see my belly :)
I took one with my hands around it
like most pregnant mommies do,
but that made me look even bigger!
And I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for that :)
My time will come when I get huge.