Sunday, September 6, 2015

Taking on a new role

For my Literacy Class, taught by Brad Wilcox,
I have to make a regular habit of writing every week
in a journal or blog.
So this is a really good excuse
 to get my Blog up and running again!
Our little family has taken on many different new roles,
and we many new updates to report :)

First off, we have moved to a condo in Pleasant Grove!
With Matt finished with classes at BYU,
getting a new job,
and outgrowing out little apartment,
we decided it was time for a change :)

With this new move,
we are now in a family ward at church.
It is so refreshing to have a primary
and youth programs back!
Obviously with this change, we received new callings!
Any guesses??

Well I'll tell you :)
I have been called to be the primary chorister
and Matt is the Executive Secretary!
Talk about big callings!
We are a little nervous but excited to be thrown in
and learn on our feet to get to know how to serve the ward.
We were both set apart today and it was beautiful.
We are grateful for these opportunities to serve.

Matt will be gone for meetings a lot on Sunday
and during the week,
and I teach singing time to the nursery and primary during church.
I have personally loved this calling so far,
and I it so fun to teach and interact with such beautiful children.

I have also survived my first week back at BYU!
I'm currently taking 18 credits 
with teaching in the classroom the whole month of November.
It was really really hard to leave Jordyn the first day.
I even cried on my way out the door.
I am so blessed to have Matt stay at home 
and watch her while I am gone.
He works from home and I take classes during her nap,
so it hasn't been too big of a hassle for him yet :)
But I will tell you it still was so hard to leave!
I LOVE being a mother 
and I have treasured this summer 
where I could just be with her.
It is quite the change to be back in school
with homework, projects, and tests,
but I am so close to finishing.
I just need to push through to the end.
I will be graduating in April so the end is in sight!
I have some amazing professors who are very understanding
and validating how hard it is to be away from you baby.
It's such a blessing to have them work with me.

This is what Jordyn (and Daddy)
made for me when I got home!

So in our week:
 Matt works 40 hours a week
and has meetings for his calling.
He also takes care of Jordyn a lot more.
I have to prepare singing lessons every week
and do the Primary Program in November.
I also have class, homework, and teaching in November.
I also get to come home to our sweet angel Jordyn
and play with her while I make dinner.

Needless to say we are busier than ever,
but we are loving our life.
The sacrifices we are making are worth it!!
We are also finding that we are getting more done
than we ever have!
Ironic huh??

With all that being said and giving those updates,
here are some fun pictures of what else we have been up to :)

With moving into our new place,
we have been able to be outside a lot more.
The clubhouse has a pool
and Jordyn has loved kicking and splashing in the water.

We have also loved going to the local parks,
taking hikes,
and soaking up the sun!

We have a little porch,
and Jordyn loves to go out and watch the rainstorms :)

We have loved having family come to visit us this summer as well!


Jordyn sure loves spending time with her friends,
even if it is while the moms are running errands :)

We also got to go miniature golfing
and see a movie for our Anniversary.

Thanks for reading our little update!
There will be more to come I promise :)