Monday, August 12, 2013

Lake Powell Trip

Lake Powell

This last week at Lake Powell
was the absolute perfect vacation for us.
I am so lucky to have such a great family.
It was the perfect balance of pure fun
and soothing relaxation.

We stayed on a super nice house boat
and ate the yummiest meals!
How could we be so lucky and get so spoiled?!?
I wish there was a way 
to share every experience that we had,
but I'll just have to share pictures
and describe them the best I can :)

Along with riding on the house boat,
we also had two speed boats to play on.

We went tubing,

wake boarding,

cliff jumping.

(ok, Matt went cliff jumping haha)
But I did have fun on the boat with the kids!

(How cute are my nephews??) :)

We picked an amazing spot to stay on our 3rd day on the lake.
It was perfect and had clear water,
place to explore, 
jumping rocks to swim to,

and sand to dig in :)

We had a blast playing games with the family.
We introduced the game Telestrations
and it was a huge hit. 
The perfect game for a big family who loves to laugh!

We were absolutely spoiled with how many toys we had on this trip!
But what was even more unforgettable,
was sleeping under the stars every night
and being able to see the Milky Way.
We saw a shooting star that lasted so long
it could have been a space ship entering our atmosphere! ;)

A Grandpa Edwards tradition
was to play the harmonica and tell stories as we fell asleep.
I wish I could have recorded it to share it with you,
but not even that could have done it justice!
It was the most relaxing and peaceful moment I have had 
in a long time!
Watching stars while falling asleep to the harmonica :)

It rained 4 out of the 6 nights we slept up top the boat!
The first time it happened we all ran inside
and slept where we could.
Matt and I were lucky enough
to claim the spot in the kitchen right next to the trash :)
Our stuff was all soaked
so we only had our sleeping bags and pillows on the tile floor.
Now that was an adventure :)
The other couple nights it rained, some stuck it out
and others ran inside.
It's quite the experience waking up to rain on your face!

However, if it wasn't rain we were scared of,
it was the spiders that kept lurking around our beds!

This was one of the small of the MANY!
It's a water spider.
They run along water!
Talk about nasty!
My sister-in-law Heather and I
checked our sleeping area for spiders every night
and made our cute husbands kill them :)

(Once we got home, we checked our bed for spiders out of habit!)

This was the top of the boat where we all slept.
(the ones without babies of course)

The last night we were there,
it rained the hardest.
But that wasn't what woke us all up,
it was the intense lightening storm!
Sheet lightening filled the sky as we all watched in amazement.
Then it started to drizzle which made a few go inside,
but we decided to stick it out :)
We put a sleeping bag over us on our air mattress,
and put blankets over our heads.
The rain soon left and we were asleep again,
but quickly woken up to thunder
from the huge lightening bolts.
It was the first time I have actually ever been scared for my life
in a lightening storm.
With all the huge rock wall surrounding us,
the thunder had the perfect place to echo.
Then a lightening bolt hit a rock nearby 
that we had been jumping off of the day before.
The crack of that lightening was freaky
and being on top of a metal boat didn't help much.
Honestly, I don't think Lake Powell wanted us to leave :)
Here are some fun extra pictures
I wanted to share :)

Our house boat

My brother-in-laws and uncle

My cute nephews and their rocks

 My sweet niece, baby Emma

We are so grateful for our Grandparents
and parents who made this trip possible for us.
We are so glad we made it
and the close bonds we were able to strengthen
with family :)
We love you!